Walmart to create its own network of filling stations
What is more important for a modern gas station- gasoline or store? For western retailers this issue has beenresolved long ago. Fuel sales attracts more buyers, increasing efficiency and allowing the store to recoup substantial part of the costs for the maintenance of core business. In the Russian consciousness gasoline has the added value that is not comparable to any “related” business. The top priority for any manager of Vertically Integrated Oil Company will be the fuel. Why? Because the fuel is a staple of any oil company focused exclusively on oil production and refining.
In the West there always have been the retailers owning gas station chains. Thus it is not surprising that the development of its shops and cafes is considered by them as a priority business. (Couche-Tard, Costco, 7-Eleven, Tesco). The combination of classic retail and gas stations works well at improving the traffic in shops in terms of attracting additional customers. In Russia, such a model was implemented by “Lenta” and Neste without unified business management center, each of the partners was to manage their part of the project. But we must remember that Walmart is the world’s largest business network, the scope of future reforms is impressive.

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